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Protect Your Yard and Plants from Pests with These Tips

Posted by Stephanie Morgan on July 08, 2020 @ 3:37 pm PST

Pests can wreak havoc on your grass and the plants around your house. Some will destroy the root systems and kill off grass and other plants. Other pests eat away at blades of grass or the leaves of plants causing unsightly damage. The bottom line is that pests are bad for plants. Fortunately, you can protect your yard from the threat of pests by following a few simple tips. 

Mow the grass regularly

Mowing the grass regularly is an important part of protecting your lawn and plants from pests. Have you ever walked through high grass while wearing sandals or shorts? What happens? Most likely you emerge feeling itchy from the grass and having some new bug bites. The reality is that tall grass can protect pests and allow them to thrive. Keeping the grass mowed is a way to minimize your risk for developing a pest problem.

Aerate and fertilize on a regular schedule

Aeration is the process of removing small plugs of soil from your lawn. It loosens compacted soil and opens up the root system. Immediately after aeration is an excellent time to add fertilizer and other nutrients to your lawn. The looser soil and exposed root systems make it easier for your lawn to benefit from fertilization. Aeration and fertilization can help protect your yard from pests because these two steps work together to strengthen your grass. Strong grass and plants are more resistant to the threats of pests and will not easily succumb to pest activity. Improving nutrition and strengthening your lawn can provide you with more time to fight off pests if they ever do become a problem. 

Get chemical protection

You can also use chemical protection to prevent pests from harming your grass and plants. There are both DIY and professional options when it comes to chemical pest protection. A key element of chemical pest control is to spray the area on a schedule that provides continuous protection. You can learn about this process by researching on your own or hire a lawncare pro to handle the chemical protection for your lawn and garden.

The grass and plants in your yard need protection against pests. Pests are going to show up and cause damage unless you take steps to prevent them from harming your yard. Protecting your grass and plants from pests is not complicated but it does require a commitment of time. If you do not have the time to provide the appropriate level of pest protection, consider bringing in a lawncare pest professional for help. The Experienced Gardener can provide chemical pest prevention and treatment for all areas of your lawn. If you have additional lawncare needs, you can explore the list of other lawn and tree care services that The Experienced Gardener offers.