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Fresno, CA Lawn and Shrub Care

Posted by Stephanie Morgan on January 30, 2023 @ 9:00 am PST

Lawn and shrub care in your Fresno yard is essential for creating the kind of outdoor space you can enjoy in every season. But, unfortunately, it can feel like Mother Nature is against you when your lawn starts to suffer from various diseases and your shrubs start to look patchy and unhealthy.  Having a well maintained yard and healthy trees and shrubs can make your yard feel like an extension of your home, providing a place for friends to gather and a peaceful retreat from a busy world. Keep your yard looking amazing by giving a professional lawn and shrub care service a call to keep  more serious problems such as disease, pests, or even stubborn weeds away.

Tree and shrub care

Hiring a professional to keep a close eye on your well established trees and shrubs during their routine maintenance of your yard will help keep them healthy. Knowing when and how to prune is also an important part of maintaining healthy plants. If you see branches that are dying, your lawn can service will clip them off to prevent possible disease from spreading. This, of course, will also help your plants to look better immediately but can also promote new growth from where you snipped the branch or shoot. Understanding how easily disease in shrubs can spread and how to dispose of diseased leaves and branches makes a professional lawn care service incredibly valuable.

Caring for your lawn

Basic lawn care comes down to giving your lawn food and water, and controlling the vegetation. Watering your lawn can be as simple as setting the timer for your sprinklers to go off at the appropriate time. Your Fresno lawn care service can help with some  of the other basic needs that will set your property up for looking its best.

  • Watering in the morning will prevent hot days from evaporating and even damaging your lawn.
  • Fertilizing a yard is the same as feeding it vital nutrients that it needs to grow thick and healthy. Fertilizing it in the early spring before the main growing season starts will get your lawn off to a great start.
  •  If your lawn seems to be struggling in some areas that usually get high traffic from your family, you may need to aerate your lawn, so the roots will have room to grow and so oxygen can get down to the roots as well.
  • Pruning back branches that prevent sunshine from getting to other plants. Pruning also promotes growth.
  • Removing weeds and other undesired vegetation.
  • Treating for disease or infestations if discovered.


By hiring a professional lawn care service who also treats trees and shrubs, your yard could start to thrive once again. A few treatments the professional may use on your plants are:

  • Anthracnose tree injections
  • Winter dormant spray
  • Fire blight
  • General fungicide spray

If you are in Fresno, the best team to hire to keep your yard healthy are the professionals at The Experience Gardener. Give The Experienced Gardener a call today.