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Disease Control for Your Lawn in Visalia

Posted by Stephanie Morgan on July 24, 2023 @ 9:00 am PST

Maintaining a lush and healthy lawn in Visalia requires more than just regular mowing and watering. Lawn diseases can quickly take hold and cause significant damage to your turf, leaving unsightly brown patches and thinning areas. Fortunately, lawn diseases can be prevented and controlled with proper care and management. This blog will discuss some tips for disease control for your lawn in Visalia.

Know the Common Lawn Diseases

The first step in disease control for your yard is to know the common lawn diseases in Visalia. Some of the most common lawn diseases in this area include:

  • Brown patch
    A fungal disease that typically occurs during hot and humid weather conditions. It causes circular patches of brown or yellow grass.
  • Dollar spot
    Another fungal disease that forms small, circular patches of dead grass with a distinct "dollar" shape.
  • Pythium blight
    A fungal disease that causes thinning, yellowing, and wilting of grass. It typically occurs in areas with excessive moisture.
  • Rust
    A fungal disease that causes a yellow or orange powdery coating on the grass blades. It's most common during late summer and early fall.

By being able to recognize the symptoms of these common lawn diseases, you can take action quickly to prevent further damage.

Apply Correct Lawn Care

Your lawn serves as an extension of your home and plays a vital role in enhancing the overall look of your property. Maintaining a healthy and lush turf requires regular watering and mowing. Diseases can quickly spread, causing unsightly dead patches that ruin your yard. Fortunately, you can keep your turf healthy all year round.

One crucial step to controlling lawn diseases is regularly practicing proper maintenance techniques such as aerating and fertilizing. Aerating allows air, water, and nutrients to penetrate the soil more efficiently, which helps to promote root growth. Fertilizing supplies essential nutrients that help the grass grow strong enough to fight off diseases naturally. Removing weeds promptly will also help prevent disease from spreading since weeds tend to be highly susceptible to disease-causing organisms.

Encourage Good Air Circulation

One crucial step in disease control for your lawn is promoting good air circulation. When grass blades are wet or damp for extended periods, it creates an ideal environment for fungi and other harmful microorganisms to thrive. Good air circulation helps dry out excess moisture on the surface of leaves, preventing any fungal spores from germinating and spreading throughout the blades of grass.

To promote good air circulation, make sure that trees and bushes aren't too close together or too close to your home's exterior walls.

Maintain a Clean Lawn

A clean yard is less likely to develop disease. Remove any fallen leaves or debris regularly, as these can provide a breeding ground for disease-causing fungi. Also, avoid walking on your lawn when it's wet, as this can spread disease.

Treat Diseases Promptly

If you do notice signs of disease in your lawn, take action promptly. Early treatment can prevent further damage and help your yard recover more quickly. There are various fungicides available for grass diseases, but it's important to use them correctly and as directed. Consult with a lawn care professional or your local nursery for recommendations on fungicides and other treatment options.

Consider Professional Lawn Care Services

If you're struggling to control lawn diseases on your own, consider hiring a professional lawn care service. Lawn care professionals have the knowledge and experience to diagnose and treat diseases effectively. They can also provide ongoing yard care services, such as fertilization, aeration, and weed control, to keep your lawn healthy and disease-free.

Maintaining a healthy turf in Visalia is an attainable goal with the right knowledge and the right tools. The Experienced Gardener can help you keep your lawn free of disease and growing strong with our comprehensive services, including weed control, fertilization, overseeding, and aeration. With correct maintenance, you can ensure that you enjoy your beautiful yard for a long time.