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Visalia Lawn, Tree, and Shrub Care Treatments

Posted by Stephanie Morgan on September 26, 2022 @ 9:00 am PST

Tending to the lawn and plants in your Visalia yard is essential for making your home an inviting, relaxing space to enjoy cool evenings with your family or outdoor weekend birthday parties. But if the vegetation in your yard is struggling from various ailments, you may not prefer to use this outdoor space as often. Keep your yard looking amazing with a few care tips and call in a professional for treatment of more serious problems such as disease, pests, or even stubborn weeds.

Lawn care

When it comes to keeping your lawn happy and healthy, there are a few key areas you will want to focus your attention on. A healthy lawn is a well-watered lawn. Watering in the morning will prevent hot days from evaporating and even damaging your lawn.  Along with watering, you will also want to feed your lawn at regular intervals throughout the year. Fertilizing a yard is the same as feeding it vital nutrients that it needs to grow thick and healthy. Fertilizing it in the early spring before the main growing season starts will get your lawn off to a great start. If your lawn seems to be struggling in some areas that usually get high traffic from your family, you may need to aerate your lawn, so the roots will have room to grow and so oxygen can get down to the roots as well.

Tree and shrub care

If you have trees and shrubs already well established in your yard, keeping a close eye out for disease or pests is always a good idea. Pruning is an important part of maintaining healthy plants. If you see branches that are dying, clip them off to prevent possible disease from spreading. This, of course, will also help your plants to look better immediately but can also promote new growth from where you snipped the branch or shoot. Do not allow branches of trees or shrubs to rub on another branch or tree. If the bark is regularly removed, it can let diseases or pests get in and do more damage to the plant.


If you suspect disease or pests are in your lawn, trees, or shrubs, calling in a professional to treat your yard could not only save the infected plants, but it can also stop the spread to more plants.

In addition to rodents or insect infestations, many diseases can take hold of your plants. Signs to look for are:

  • Circular, or irregular-shaped yellow or brown patches
  • White gray or pink color on grass can be a type of lawn mold
  • Thin, red strands sticking up in dying patches of grass are caused by Red Thread disease
  • General patchiness that continues to spread over the yard with time

By hiring a professional lawn care service that also treats trees and shrubs, your yard could start to thrive once again. A few treatments the professional could use on your plants are:

  • Anthracnose tree injections
  • Winter dormant spray
  • Fire blight
  • General fungicide spray

If you are in Visalia, the best team to hire to keep your yard in tip-top shape are the professionals at The Experience Gardener. Give The Experienced Gardener a call today.