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How to Prevent Gophers from Damaging Your Lawn

Posted by Stephanie Morgan on August 05, 2024 @ 9:00 am PST

Gophers can wreak havoc on your lawn, leaving behind unsightly mounds and tunnels that disrupt the beauty of your landscape. These burrowing pests can also damage the root systems of your plants, leading to dead patches and weakened grass. To keep your lawn looking its best, it's important to take proactive steps to prevent gophers from causing damage. In this blog, we'll explore various methods to deter gophers and protect your lawn from these pesky invaders.

Understanding Gopher Habits

Gophers are known for their extensive burrowing activities. They create elaborate tunnel systems where they store food and live. These tunnels can span several hundred feet and are typically located 6–12 inches below the surface. Gophers are active year-round, which means they can cause damage to your lawn at any time. Understanding their habits is crucial for implementing effective prevention strategies.

Recognizing Gopher Damage

Before you can prevent gopher damage, you need to recognize the signs of their presence. Here are some common indicators:

  • Soil Mounds: Gophers create fan-shaped mounds of soil as they dig their tunnels. These mounds are usually about 1–3 feet in diameter.
  • Raised Ridges: Look for raised ridges in your lawn, which indicate the presence of tunnels just below the surface.
  • Plant Damage: Gophers feed on the roots of plants, causing wilting and yellowing. You may notice plants that are easily uprooted or have damaged root systems.
  • Irrigation Issues: Gophers can chew through irrigation lines, causing leaks and water disruptions.

Strategies to Prevent Gopher Damage

Preventing gophers from damaging your lawn involves a combination of exclusion techniques, repellents, and lawn maintenance practices. Here are some effective strategies:

  1. Exclusion Techniques:
    • Underground Fencing: Install underground fencing made of hardware cloth or wire mesh around the perimeter of your lawn and garden. Bury the fencing at least 18 inches deep and extend it above the ground to prevent gophers from burrowing underneath or climbing over.
    • Raised Beds: For gardens, consider using raised beds with a hardware cloth bottom. This prevents gophers from tunneling up into the beds and accessing plant roots.
  2. Natural Repellents:
    • Castor Oil: Mix castor oil with water and apply it to your lawn using a sprayer. The smell and taste of castor oil are unpleasant to gophers, deterring them from your lawn.
    • Garlic and Peppermint Oil: Create a mixture of garlic and peppermint oil and apply it to gopher mounds and tunnel entrances. The strong odors will encourage gophers to relocate.
  3. Commercial Repellents:
    • Granular Repellents: Apply granular gopher repellents around the perimeter of your lawn and garden. These products contain ingredients that create an unfavorable environment for gophers.
  4. Lawn Maintenance:
    • Regular Mowing: Keep your lawn well-mowed to reduce hiding places for gophers and make it less attractive to them.
    • Proper Irrigation: Maintain proper irrigation practices to ensure your lawn is healthy and resilient. A healthy lawn is better able to recover from minor gopher damage.
    • Soil Health: Promote healthy soil by regularly aerating and fertilizing your lawn. Healthy soil supports strong root systems, making it harder for gophers to cause significant damage.
  5. Trapping and Relocation:
    • Live Traps: Set live traps near active gopher tunnels and bait them with fresh vegetables or fruits. Once captured, relocate the gophers to a suitable area far from your property.

Monitoring and Early Detection

Regular monitoring and early detection are key to preventing gopher damage. Here are some tips for keeping an eye on gopher activity:

1. Regular Inspections

Conduct regular inspections of your lawn and garden for signs of gopher activity, such as new mounds or tunnels.

2. Prompt Action

Take immediate action at the first sign of gopher activity to prevent extensive damage. Implement exclusion techniques, apply repellents, and set traps as needed.

3. Professional Assistance

If gopher activity persists despite your efforts, consider seeking professional assistance. Lawn care experts can provide advanced solutions and treatments to effectively manage gopher populations.

Gophers can cause significant damage to your lawn and garden, but with the right prevention strategies, you can protect your landscape and maintain its beauty. By understanding gopher habits, recognizing signs of their presence, and implementing effective exclusion, repellent, and maintenance techniques, you can keep these burrowing pests at bay. At The Experienced Gardener, we offer expert advice and services to help you manage and prevent gopher infestations. Contact us today for professional solutions tailored to your lawn's needs.